SAPL: 34 Years of Customer Service Commitment

SAPL: 34 Years of Customer Service Commitment

In this WFH time, though convenient to all members, we miss the connection, the interaction with our teams.
I believe it is essential to use every opportunity to get our people together and connect with them, share our ideas, and listen to their inputs.

We had two such opportunities in the past month.

This time, we could conduct the Townhall in person, at Pune and Mumbai and I felt it great to see them together, reacting to my speech, asking questions.
I always like to speak to our teams, sharing our plans and clarifying. Finally,  they are the ones who create the solutions, deliver and service the customers.

The SAPL Foundation Day celebrations always reminds me about our humble beginning and the growth stages.
So good to meet our people again, celebrate, play, and enjoy.

And though we are 30+ old now, with more than 100 persons, we strive to maintain the informal atmosphere and enthusiasm of a start-up.

I am excited to add one more product to our Zylem Solution basket – Cloud Based DMS “BizzControl”.

This was one component essential to complete Distributor System management and data collection.
The solution uses the latest technology and is configured to meet the market demands.
We hope to roll out the solution soon to our first corporate customer.

We are also launching a new Digital Marketing Series addressed to the Top Management of our customers.

We realized that the management needs reports and analysis of sales on a regular basis – to plan their Sales as well as Supply.
And Zylem is helping them get in-time correct information on the Width and Depth of Distribution.
We are happy to serve them, and adding BI for better Analytics.

Hope all of you will benefit from this and give us more inputs to improve our products and services.

Thanks and wish you all the best!

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