Zylem Solution & The Doodle

Zylem Solution & The Doodle

Zylem is a solution for meeting all needs for Sales – Information, Analysis, Transactions, Schemes, Claims, Asset Management, and more.

Currently, we are working in India and neighboring countries. However, we believe that this is a need for companies across the Globe and Zylem can meet their requirements. Our Sales team is working towards this.

In our office reception area, we have a large backdrop where we wanted to paint some designs. We thought why not create a Picture depicting the global application of our solution?

We found a good artist and explained to him our Zylem solution details. And the need for a picture representing Zylem.

He came out with an excellent Doodle about our Zylem solution for all parts of the Supply Chain in the entire Globe. On paper. Approved.

And then it had to wait for 2 years, due to COVID.

Finally, it was painted in the reception, over two weekends, day and night. We all saw it, liked it, and appreciated the artist.

And it was time to unveil it and publicize it.

But I wanted one more feature in that Doodle – Connection from a picture element to all information about the solution.

If any visitor looked at the picture, found it relevant to his/ her requirement, and wanted to know more, where can he/ she get it? On the internet, of course.

So we need a Connection from the Physical world to the Digital world.

And I thought of introducing a simple connection – a QR code for each part of the solution.

We introduced a QR code at each activity in the Doodle where our solution was relevant, and as soon as you scan the QR using mobile, it will take you to our website, and to the relevant page. And all information about that software part is available to you with pictures!

So, we could connect the physical world of Doodle to the Digital world of Information on Portal.

A Phygital World!

This is already changing the Retail world, where consumers visiting Physical shops can connect to Digital shops to have a very large selection and all information to select from. This was our small beginning in the office. And will see more experiences for our customers in future.

You can see the Doodle above, with all QR codes for appreciation of the idea. And you can always visit our Pune office to see this yourself, scan and get all info.

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